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Android SDK Setup

To integrate AppsOnAir Android SDK to your Android native Apps with Java or Kotlin, follow the below steps

1. Basic Requirements for service usage

  • Install or update Android Studio to its latest version.
  • Make sure that your project meets these requirements:
    • Targets API level 21 (LOLLIPOP) or higher
    • Uses Android 5.0 or higher
    • Requires Gradle version 7.0+
    • Uses Jetpack (AndroidX), which includes meeting these version requirements:
      • compileSdkVersion 29 or later
  • Set up a physical device or use an emulator to run your app.
  • Create or login to your AppsOnAir (AoA) Account
  • Goto the your app details page -> App services tab -> API key tab to get your AoA services API Key

2. Add AppsOnAir Gradle Plugin and SDK

Newer versions of Android Studio

When creating a new project from Android Studio Artic Fox (or newer) the allprojects{...} is no longer added in the project level need add in settings.gradle


dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }

Docusaurus logo

2.1 open your root build.gradle file, add the following


allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }

2.2 Add the following to your dependencies section.

    dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.apps-on-air:AppsOnAir-Android-SDK:Tag'

Docusaurus logo

Sync Gradle

Make sure to press "Sync Now" on the banner that pops up after saving!

3. Add required code

Add meta-data to the app module's AndroidManifest.xml file under the application tag

    <!-- add meta-data inside application tag -->
<!-- App icon for dialog -->
android:resource="@drawable/app_icon" />

<!-- App name for dialog -->
android:value="app_name" />


4. Add the AppsOnAirServices Initialization code and usage

You can call initialization at your preferencehowever, we recommend that you add the initialization code in Main Launcher Activity( file onCreate method as follows:
import com.appsonair.AppsOnAirServices

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private static final String APPSONAIR_APP_ID = "########-####-####-####-############";

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

//AppsOnAirServices Initialization
AppsOnAirServices.setAppId(APPSONAIR_APP_ID, true);

5. Set Custom UI (Optional step)

If you want to show a custom alert for app updates and maintenance dialogue then in the setAppId initialization function, set the second parameter as false. Now, call checkForAppUpdate function to show a custom alert for app updates and maintenance dialogue to match your design requirements. To use this method where needed, use the same import statement as in the previous step. Use this method as follows:
import com.appsonair.AppsOnAirServices;
import com.appsonair.UpdateCallBack;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private static final String APPSONAIR_APP_ID = "########-####-####-####-############";

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

//AppsOnAirServices Initialization
AppsOnAirServices.setAppId(APPSONAIR_APP_ID, false);

AppsOnAirServices.checkForAppUpdate(MainActivity.this, new UpdateCallBack() {
public void onSuccess(String response) {
Log.d("response", ""+response);
// Do your code to show your custom UI.

public void onFailure(String message) {
Log.e("message", ""+message);
